
Dam: CH Peachtree's Kirkcudbright Kayleigh, RN, TKN

Sire: CH Hill Country's Lovin' Every Minute Of It
And so it begins! on July 6, 2017, our very first litter got us off to a rough start. KK was a fantastic mom but unfortunately, when labor stalled, it was recommended we pursue an emergency c-section. Our vet of 15 years (actually was a repro vet!) was unfortunately delayed just after they started the anesthesia so the pups (5 gorgeous pups) were under anesthesia for quite a long time (over 45 minutes before the surgery even began), with the tech having to reapply betadine numerous times before vet was able to get back to the room to begin the c-section. Tragically, this was just too much anesthesia for the pups. To this day, the memory of those beautiful pups trying to be revitalized lingers in our mind. Truly beautiful girls and a boy. However, miracle of miracles, one puppy survived! The Mighty Macintosh was already halfway out the canal (the vet had felt his nose at first examination when we arrived) helping him to avoid being over anesthetized. This spunky singleton survived and defied all odds! And, praise be to God, mama KK was fine as well. Since then, we have found a vet who specializes in Brachycephalic breeds and we strongly recommend that pug owners always choose a vet who has a vast amount of experience in dealing with brachy breeds and pugs.
Macintosh finished his championship quickly, as a puppy with some pretty major wins. He had SO much fun in the ring and was the goofiest of all pugs. He would jump up and bite my skirt, or hop around in delight (when he was supposed to be trotting etc.) and look up and smile with such pride.
Macintosh finished his championship quickly, as a puppy with some pretty major wins. He had SO much fun in the ring and was the goofiest of all pugs. He would jump up and bite my skirt, or hop around in delight (when he was supposed to be trotting etc.) and look up and smile with such pride.
Champion Pickwick's Peachtree Hill Country Mighty Macintosh, TKN
He was our child and we loved him SO much. He lived with us for several years and during that time he had a bad encounter with our big rescue dog. Evidently it was an altercation over a bone or chew and Macintosh lost that fight, and also lost an eye. (Well, the vision at least ..... Dr. Nelms was able to salvage the eye ball but the eye itself died.) Things were never the same after that and he never forgot this altercation. When it finally came time to do the OFA Hip Xrays (which you can't do until age 2) the scores were not where we wanted them to be in order to include Macintosh in our breeding program. There were some other issues -- such as his straight stifles -- and despite his GORGEOUS face and head and jolly temperament, amazing breathing, we decided that with those bad hips, he should not be a part of ours or anyone's breeding program and we he was neutered. As time went on it was obvious that Macintosh would flourish better in a smaller home with less dogs -- a singleton at heart, he needed to be the only one. It was heart-breaking to make this decision because he truly was our special 'child' and we had such a bond ,but it was the right decision for him. He now lives with a couple in Louisiana and is their constant companion. He has been a therapy dog helping one of the owners through his fight with leukemia and he is loved and cherished just as much if not more so than when he was our baby. We are so thankful to this couple for giving Macintosh so much love and devotion ... We keep a polaroid photo of him up in the bathroom and see him every morning. We will cherish our 'first born' for all the years of our life.
Here are some photos of Macintosh while he was living with us . . . .
Here are some photos of Macintosh while he was living with us . . . .
Here are some photos of Macintosh with his new family in Louisiana . . . .
If you would like to become a part of the Pickwick Pugs family please contact us or, if you are interested in being considered as a future Pickwick pug owner, please complete the inquiry form so that we can get to know you better! We look forward to hearing from you!