CH Pickwick's Mr. High Falutin'
AKC #: TS58246803 DOB: 12-4-22
Show Wins
Health Tests
Show Wins
Health Tests
Mr. Drysdale now lives in Nashville, TN with a wonderful family. He lived with us for his first 2 years of life and finished his AKC championship and was such a blessing to us. He is full of so much personality and one of the sweetest pugs you've ever met. Mr. Drysdale was our pick out of the Southern Belle Litter and he started his show career winning Best of Breed multiple times and the Toy Group in BPUP then went onto beat out amazing pugs in huge lineups in Greenville and other shows earning his championship. He's a lover first, not a showman, so his wins are based solely on his amazing structure and conformation. From his first big outing to a Mardi Gras Parade (his first outing in his top hat), to his first puppy match at 3 months of age in Tallahassee, to his first official show in Greenville, SC, where he won Winners Dog and Best of Winners and got both of his majors out of the way at 6 months of age .... Mr. Drysdale is a hit with everyone who meets him. Here he is the morning before he left for Nashville. We are going to miss him so much and he is leaving a hole in our heart, but he is going to get so much love! We decided not to use him in our breeding program so now he is onto new fun adventures and his 2nd chapter of his life as a Reindeer!
And here he is just before leaving for Nashville with his new family . . . .
Mr. Drysdale winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners and both his majors at his first official show, Greenville, SC July, 2023:
Jeff with Mr. Drysdale, 11/11/24, just before being "tutored" at our wonderful vet.
Mr Drysdale got both his majors out of the way at his very first show cluster at 6 months of age! He had awesome adventures with trips to parks and waterfalls and mountain vistas, too!
Here is Mr. Drysdale finishing his championship in Columbiana, Alabama with those final single points.
It is a rare occasion when both Jeff and Amy can attend a dog show together. What fun it was to be able to share a win photo with both parents, Mr. Drysdale Winners Dog, AND Eliza, Winners Bitch. (But it did make the win photo a bit challenging. We'll take it no matter what since this is what memories are made of!)
Mr. Drysdale had fans from the very beginning. Here he is winning Best of Breed AND the Toy Group in BPUP:
Here is Mr. Drysdale (along with Emma and Eliza) at the Pug Dog Club of America National Specialty, Virginia Beach, October, 2023:
Here is Mr. Drysdale (holding his stack!) at the PDCA National Specialty (starting at :54)
Mr. Drysdale helping me make Snickerdoodles:
Mr. Drysdale loves to click the clicker!
Mr Drysdale's take on the TikTok "Ashley look at me"
Mr. Drysdale had fun playing with his cousin Winston (Pickwick's Captain of Nampara from the Poldark Litter) at the hotel dog park in Greenville, SC. Some days Drysdale won WD or Reserve, and others Winston!
Show Wins
Mr. Drysdale received BOTH his majors at his first official show cluster in Greenville, SC! Thank you Judges Richard Powell, Pamela Bruce, and John P Wade. We had a very busy Fall season with our regular jobs as teachers/musicians so he didn't have another outing until October with the Pug Nationals.
Best of Breed and Toy Group, Tallahassee, Florida (B Match, 3 months of age)
Best of Breed and Toy Group 2, Tuscaloosa Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy) under Judge Sandra Moore (4-6-23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Birmingham Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy), Judge Lisa Farmer (4/9/23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Montgomery Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy) Judge Bridget Brown (5/5/23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Montgomery Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner puppy) Judge Carol C Sommerfelt (5/6/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners (3 pt major), Piedmont Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Richard W Powell (7/27/23)
Reserve Winners, Greenville Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Gina Wieser (7/28/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, (5 pt major) Piedmont Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Pamela Bruce (7/29/23)
1st Place, Greenville Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Manual Queijeiro (7/30/23)
Reserve Winners, Roanoke Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge Carolyn Herbel (8/4/23)
Reserve Winners, Roanoke Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge Richard Mullen (8/5/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, New River Valley Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge John P Wade (8/6/23)
Reserve Winners, Oak Ridge Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge David J Kirkland (9/30/23)
4th Place, Old Dominion Pug Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge David Fitzpatrick (10/2/23)
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Month) Judge Linda Hurlebaus (1/12/24)
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Months) Judge Ted W Eubank (1/13/24)
Reserve Winners, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Months) Judge Jon Cole (1-14-24)
Best of Winners, Best of Winners, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Helen Winski Stein (3-16-24)
Winners Dog, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Robert Stein (3/16/24 ... 2 shows each day)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Nathaniel Horn (3/17/24)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge John Constantine-Amodei (3/17/24)
Best of Breed and Toy Group, Tallahassee, Florida (B Match, 3 months of age)
Best of Breed and Toy Group 2, Tuscaloosa Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy) under Judge Sandra Moore (4-6-23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Birmingham Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy), Judge Lisa Farmer (4/9/23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Montgomery Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner Puppy) Judge Bridget Brown (5/5/23)
Best of Breed, Toy Group 1, Montgomery Kennel Club (4-6 Month Beginner puppy) Judge Carol C Sommerfelt (5/6/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners (3 pt major), Piedmont Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Richard W Powell (7/27/23)
Reserve Winners, Greenville Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Gina Wieser (7/28/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, (5 pt major) Piedmont Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Pamela Bruce (7/29/23)
1st Place, Greenville Kennel Club (6-9 Month Puppy) Judge Manual Queijeiro (7/30/23)
Reserve Winners, Roanoke Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge Carolyn Herbel (8/4/23)
Reserve Winners, Roanoke Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge Richard Mullen (8/5/23)
Winners Dog, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, New River Valley Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy) Judge John P Wade (8/6/23)
Reserve Winners, Oak Ridge Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge David J Kirkland (9/30/23)
4th Place, Old Dominion Pug Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge David Fitzpatrick (10/2/23)
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Month) Judge Linda Hurlebaus (1/12/24)
Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Months) Judge Ted W Eubank (1/13/24)
Reserve Winners, Mississippi State Kennel Club (12-18 Months) Judge Jon Cole (1-14-24)
Best of Winners, Best of Winners, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Helen Winski Stein (3-16-24)
Winners Dog, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Robert Stein (3/16/24 ... 2 shows each day)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge Nathaniel Horn (3/17/24)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Greater Fort Myers Dog Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor) Judge John Constantine-Amodei (3/17/24)
Loss of thousands of dollars with this fiasco:
Mr. Drysdale was chosen on 4/4/24 as Winners Dog and Best of Winners, and Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Tuscaloosa Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Adult) yet AKC once again took away his points stating he was in the wrong class ) so his 3 point major was taken away. Judge Robert J Shreve. Now there is no record at all of him having entered this show on the AKC website. Here is a screenshot from the superintendent site immediately following the show proving his wins (helpful for the IRS to know he was even present, sigh):
Mr Drysdale was chosen on 4/5/24 as Winners Dog and Best of Breed Owner-Handled AND Best Bred By, Birmingham Kennel Club (Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Adult), and yet AKC once again took away his points stating he was in the wrong class) so his point was taken away. Judge Mary Jane Carberry. Now there is no record at all on the AKC website of Drysdale having won, in particular having won the Best Bred By. Here is a screenshot proving his wins:
Mr. Drysdale was awarded Winners dog on 4/6/24 (Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Adult) and yet once again AKC took away his points stating he was in the wrong class) so his point was taken away. Judge Molly Martin. This win should have finished his championship, so to be kind and at the request of the other exhibitors, we moved him up. Here is a screenshot as proof of his wins:
After his move-up (proving we moved up .... AND CHECKED EVERYTHING WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE DOING SO!!!!!!!) 4/7/24, Birmingham Kennel Club, Judge John C Ramirez
2nd Place, Kennel Club of North Mississippi Kennel Club of North Mississippi (Bred By Exhibitor) Judge Gloria Kerr (6/20/24)
2nd Place, Reserve Winners Dog, Kennel Club of North Mississippi (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Fred C Bassett (6/21/24)
1st Place, Memphis Toy Dog Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Carol Pyrkosz (6/21/24)
1st Place, Reserve Winners Dog, Greater Shelby Kennel Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Gary L Andersen
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Best of Opposite Sex, Memphis Toy Dog Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Dr. Geno Sisneros (6/22/24)
Total POA Points:12
Total Champion Points:18
Total NOHS Points:20
2nd Place, Reserve Winners Dog, Kennel Club of North Mississippi (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Fred C Bassett (6/21/24)
1st Place, Memphis Toy Dog Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Carol Pyrkosz (6/21/24)
1st Place, Reserve Winners Dog, Greater Shelby Kennel Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Gary L Andersen
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner-Handled, Best of Opposite Sex, Memphis Toy Dog Club (Bred by Exhibitor) Judge Dr. Geno Sisneros (6/22/24)
Total POA Points:12
Total Champion Points:18
Total NOHS Points:20
Health Screening Tests
Eyes (at PDCA Nationals)
BOAS - Grade 0 (the best score possible)
BOAS - Grade 0 (the best score possible)
Parentage DNA:
If you would like to become a part of the Pickwick Pugs family please contact us or, if you are interested in being considered as a future Pickwick pug owner, please complete the inquiry form so that we can get to know you better! We look forward to hearing from you!