(NOTE: This blog post is for the adult owners in the family -- kids would most likely enjoy one of these comics or reads much more!)
If you own a bitch (female dog) that hasn’t been neutered, it’s important to understand when your dog is likely to have her first season, how often they happen, what to expect and symptoms to keep an eye out for that she’s in heat. It's also important to understand what she's going through regarding hormonal changes and how that may affect her behavior, mood, appetite, and more. Seasons of Love . . . .
What is a season?
A dog’s season, otherwise known as being ‘in heat’, is the part of a female’s reproductive cycle that can allow her to become pregnant. When she’s in season, your dog may act differently and her genitals may swell and produce a discharge. Knowing how to recognize the signs of heat, and being able to roughly predict when a dog’s in season, can help owners avoid unwanted pregnancies. Most reputable breeders require, as we do at Pickwick Pugs, that owners allow their female pug to complete at least one cycle before spaying. Honestly, our vet even recommends waiting until a year or a bit over a year before neutering a male. At an absolute earliest, however, our contract for pet owners at Pickwick Pugs is never before 6 months of age or before first cycle is completed. Why do we require this? Allowing a female dog to have at least one heat cycle before spaying her can potentially benefit her physical development. By allowing her bones and urinary tract to fully mature, this potentially reduces the risk of incontinence later in life. Key points to consider:
Often, people think that spaying/neutering will instantly and miraculously "fix" any behavioral issues. This is not true. Nothing replaces training and then the special handling needed during adolescence (which, yes, is a little more challenging than with puppy's, but it won't last forever. We have another blog entry entitled "Teenage Trials and Tribulations" for more on this subject.)
When can I expect her first season?
Most smaller breeds can have their first season at around six months old, but this can vary quite a lot from dog to dog, while some larger breeds may not go in to heat until they are over a year old. Most of ours have been after 6 months with the earliest at 5 months. Sometimes it’s obvious that she's in heat while other times the signs may be more subtle. What are the signs? Signs your dog is in season may include: swollen vulva (the outer parts of the genitals) and sometimes red. Some dogs may be more noticeable than others. This change usually happens a few days before they begin to bleed. A vaginal discharge that can start off bloody but may become watery and more pinkish as their season progresses. For some dogs, the discharge may be more yellow in color or can be brown Cleaning their genitals more than usual by licking them. She may urinate more frequently. Most of our pugs have not bled heavily and, when they do, it is infrequent. It can be normal but if you are concerned at all do not hesitate to contact your vet. Behavior changes? As your female pug comes into season, and certain hormones begin to increase, you may notice her behaving differently. This might include:
How often will a pug come into season? After your pug has her first season, she is likely to continue to have regular seasons, usually every six to seven months. 2 times per year (sometimes 3). Younger dogs may have irregular seasons to start with, but these usually settle down and become more consistent within a few seasons. Your pug's seasons can be affected by being in the company of other females that are in season. How long does a season last? Dogs are usually in season for about three weeks, but this may be as short as two weeks or as long as four. How long does a dog in heat bleed? Generally, about 7-10 days (around half of her cycle). Your pug's bleeding is a sign that her body is undergoing changes that help her to become fertile. How much does a dog in season bleed? Some dogs may bleed heavily, while for others it may be barely noticeable. Although some dogs may have a very obvious bloody discharge, it may be less noticeable depending on how much they groom and clean themselves. Do dogs get ‘period’ cramps? It’s difficult to tell. Without dogs being able to tell us how they feel, it’s hard to know what your dog is going through, but we suspect that it’s generally not painful. Some dogs do seem to be uncomfortable during their season and may be a little fidgety, but it’s unusual for there to be any obvious signs of pain. How to take care for a dog when she’s in heat: Your pug may seem uncomfortable, anxious, and a little confused about the changes that are occuring to her body during her her season. To help your pug, try:
How can I keep my house clean? Each dog is different, some dogs may not bleed a lot, and others may be meticulously clean and lick themselves to get rid of any discharge. However, if you’re concerned about your pug making a mess when in season then you could limit her access to sofas, bedding and carpeted areas. Some people put down plenty of towels in areas that their dog usually sits and others use special pants that help to catch the blood. We generally use a combination of bitches britches and more crate or Xpen time.
Over the years, we've found that keeping the female in a pen with an easily mopped floor or in her crate on heavy flow days is easier than fooling with the diapers or "bitches britches" but, we do use the diapers or carry a towel to put underneath if we venture outside of the home.
Remember, however, that although these pants may do a good job of keeping your house clean, they may not be effective at preventing her from attracting a mate or accidentally mating! KEEP YOUR pug on a leash, do not venture out where a male may get to her. NEVER let her outside in fenced back yard when in season .... dogs have known to climb 6 feet fences to "visit" a pretty pug ;)
Possible complications? After your pug's season, she may (rarely) show signs of a false pregnancy. This is a condition that causes them to act as if they were pregnant when they’re actually not, with them producing milk and even gathering objects into a nest as if they were puppies. False pregnancy is caused by a change in hormones. Generally dogs recover from these signs naturally, but it can be stressful and can lead to more serious complications, such as pyometra (which is an accumulation of pus in the uterus (womb), which can be life threatening. Signs of pyometra: being off food, seeming tired, being sick, drinking more, licking her genitals, having a smelly vaginal discharge. It's very smelly fyi. If you notice any changes in the patterns of your pug's season, especially if they appear to remain in season for an unusually long time, it's time to talk with your vet.
How long after bleeding is a dog fertile? In humans, a woman’s period is a sign that she’s finished ovulating, but in dogs it’s actually a sign that they are about to become more fertile. Dog’s may start with a very bloody discharge, but this changes and become watery over time. This can indicate that she is at her most fertile and this stage can last for around 10 days, but varies from dog to dog.) What's happening physically to your puppy bitch: Phases:
What if my pug mates during her season? We won't address this since it's not going to happen. We know you will take all the preventative measures necessary to prevent oopsies. But .... if you are concerned, talk to your vet. There are certain injections that can be used within the first few days after mating that can prevent pregnancy. Remember .... an ounce of prevention ....
Recently, a new pug owner commented on how much her pug sheds. A lifelong lab owner, she commented, "And I thought my labs shed!" When they are covered in hair after holding the pug, the family members joke that they have "been pugged"! Perhaps that's why, over the years, Jeff and I have replaced upholstered sofas and chairs with leather (or pleather or vinyl :). Honestly, we gave up on tape rollers and such years ago. There comes a point in time when you learn to wear pug hair with pride! There are some things you can do, however, which greatly lessen the shedding: Every week (or every other week):
Every day (or every other day):
Here is how we make our conditioning spray if you'd like to have a go! Today, it just felt like breakfast needed to be special for our grumble!! (Order food at : www.Pawtree.com/PickwickPugs & www.MyPetCarnivore.com) Today, our import from Scotland -- Annie (Zobear's American Idol) -- was spayed and had a dental. Here she is as a young puppy, flying back to the US with us. Annie produced 2 beautiful litters of puppies -- the Flying Kilt Litter . . . and, most recently, the Baskin Robbins litter . . . The sire of both litters was Grand Champion Hill Country's I'll Bee Your Shining Star (Robert) who we purchased and finished specifically for Annie. Here he is this past Christmas opening his stocking . . . . As far as Annie's body understands, she also had a 3rd "almost" litter in between. Unfortunately, she lost all the pups around day 40. The necropsy showed that it was a bacteria which, as our vet explained, lives in their bodies all the time but only causes problems in unusual situations such as stress. We are so thankful Annie was healthy, though, and while we never breed a bitch more than 3 times, it was time to retire our beautiful Scottish princess. But also on this day, Annie's beautiful daughter Iona was bred to Champion Wright's Triumphant Tiger Eye at Pickwick. Here is Iona this past Christmas opening her stocking . . . . If the breeding was successful and all goes well, her line will be continued with our Parks Litter. Day 63 from ovulation will be March 10, 2025. We'll be posting updates on the litter page and are hoping for some gorgeous, healthy puppies!
Wow is all we can say about Cindy's incredible wins last weekend. These sorts of moments don't happen often but, at 7 months of age, she beat out 6 champions to win Best of Breed. (Her mother, Lilibeth, also had a big win like this in Atlanta and her aunt, Lilly, as well in a huge show in Atlanta). It was a 5 point major and there were 19 pugs entered. Cindy had to beat an incredible bitch in the bred by class (a long time breeder who, in fact, bred her great grandfather). The black ribbon "Bred by Exhibitor Best of Breed" is a very special ribbon and not often awarded. She then had to beat some more amazing bitches from different classes to win Winners Bitch and then beat out a gorgeous male imported from Europe for the Best of Winners. We were so surprised when she presented the final award of Best of Breed since the ring was filled with so many incredible pugs including many who were already champions. Thank you Judge Bonnie Linnell Clark for recognizing our beautiful girl and all of our hard work as breeders. Here she is waiting for the Toy Group, followed by the Owner Handled Group. You can tell that her right eye is not 100% healed yet (from an injury .... who knows what it was, but perhaps a thorn from a weed that sprouted over night from Hades perhaps). ![]() I also got her a special "prize" for her big wins -- she now has her own piano ($20 on Facebook Marketplace!) so she can be an official Pugiano star now. Cindy had been wearing the "cone of shame" but I told her before the show that it was a "cone of pride" because she was such a good girl. Of course we took it off before entering the ring. Here she is wearing it at a Love's dog park en route to the South Carolina. Lola, Cindy's sister, has learned how to take the cone off so they have been separated for a couple of weeks. You can see the joy of them playing together at last! We haven't had an eye injury in forever it seems but these girls love to run and play hard (Lola and Cindy) so who knows what caused it. A little puncture right in the center of the eye. Did you know that a simple blade of grass can cause an eye injury? Here is Cindy New Year's Eve . . . . Lola had taken off the cone when we went to this dog park at KOA. I should have put it back on (for a 3rd time) because, indeed, I saw a thorny vine by the fence as we were leaving! Also, who knows what was hiding in those leaves. You can never let your guard down protecting those pug eyes! Lola showed the 2nd day and, alas, the judge didn't seem to like her so she didn't win anything except a yellow ribbon ;( However, she had fun and I was so very thankful that she could recover from the horrible incident at the previous show in Perry, GA, when that handler dragged her around the ring and terrified her. (That's another post and another story, but we have heard of similar situations with other pugs when that sort of experience would scar pug -- puppy in this case -- for life.) Here are Lola and Cindy and Umberto waiting to show on Sunday. Umberto didn't win anything either day but he gave a tremendous performance and I was so very proud of him. Cheerful, jaunty, and stared a hole through the judges' eyes after the down and back each day. The judges just preferred a different type (larger, longer legged) of pug. We are striving for correct size, though, and bone and substance, so we will stay on the path we feel is right for the breed even if it is not "flashy" and popular in the ring. Stay the course and in it for the long run ;) These shows definitely tire these blessed pups out! Here is Cindy sacked out once we got back to the hotel room (actually, it was a tiny cabin at KOA). We won't be getting out to show again for awhile due to some upcoming concerts and work. (Also, in 63 days approximately, there might be the possibility of puppies out of Iona and Parker! If Mother Nature decides to grace us with pups that is.) Here is precious Iona this past Christmas opening her stocking!
Pickwick Pugs hopes everyone is having a joyful, blessed Holiday season!! We had a wonderful Christmas with lots of stockings this year. Our pugs may disagree, but as their owners we think one can never own enough Elf and Santa costumes :) Here is Lilly's rendition of Twas the Night Before Christmas . . . . Christmas Cookies were a hit. We have now tried all the flavors = and Lilibeth, our finicky pug, has approved them all! We highly recommend. Also, there are no ingredients in the mix which one of our pugs would be allergic to (no wheat, eggs etc.)
Snickerdoodles Gourmet PB&J Gingerlicious Snaps The ingredients are amazing and so healthy - no wheat, corn, sugars etc. We added a little gluten free (oat, and coconut) flour for the surface and the rolling pin to "roll out" more easily. Could have reserved some of the mix I guess, but didn't think of that! We have different cookie cutters (the bone, doghouse, fire hyrdant etc.) but we love the Julbock one .... Amy's dad was Swedish and all her cousins etc. live there since her American mom was an only child. One of the most difficult things to do as a responsible breeder is to place a pug who you have bonded with. Mr Drysdale received his AKC Championship and proved to be the most amazing pug with regard to health and temperament. He has the most incredible personality and giant big head and tons of bone (stockiness of legs etc.). We decided not to include him in our breeding program however because he could stand to be a little shorter backed. It was such a tough decision and, yet, we really can't afford to keep too many pugs because then we don't have enough time to give them the quality life and TONS of attention and laptime they deserve. Today, we said goodbye to Mr. Drysdale after 2 amazing years of living with him. He is now living in Nashville with an incredible family and longtime pug owners. He will have one on one time watching TV, sitting in laps, going on walks, and just "being" with his people. They hope to have a Pickwick puppy one day in the near future so he will have a companion one day (one companion!) Here is our amazing Milburn, aka Mr. Drysdale, aka Champion Pickwick's Mr. High Falutin' before leaving today, after his bath and painting, and one last fun training/play session. God speed little one! We meetup with his new owners so they could meet him -- and he could meet them -- in Huntsville last month. We knew it was love at first site and he just adores them. Here is his new family! He was out of the Southern Belle Litter and his sister lives in California and his brother Jethro lives in Iowa. They are all so lucky and blessed! I will miss kissing that big lovable giant head and watching him hold things in his mouth, and his little chirp. He will leave a giant hole in our hearts. A few of our adventures together over the past 2 years . . . . What a grand time was had for Umberto, Emma, Iona, Cindy, and Lola in Perry Georgia last week! From winning Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, completing all sorts of health screening tests, to enjoying a campfire Thanksgiving Dinner and meeting mules, goats, and ducks, the pugs had a fun adventure. Here are some fun photos and videos from our week long adventure. Lola was especially proud of herself after winning Winners Bitch. This was an important achievement for her because just 3 days earlier she had been traumatized by a stranger (long story -- but there is a reason we are always telling you to advocate for your puppy and never be bullied into something you know would not be a good experience ...... no matter how famous or "important" a person in authority may seem to be.) Cindy and Lola had fun visiting an outdoor Nativity scene. They went straight to the baby Jesus, like they knew that was the most important part! It was cold in the little cabin we were staying in, but pug pile and a cozy heater to the rescue! They enjoyed practicing loose leash walking and meeting donkeys and goats! We even saw a wolf named Umberto! Very scary. And everyone got to work on recalls and have fun running in the awesome dog park. Aside from health, 2 of our most important goals as breeders is "a face so complex it needs therapy" and "incredible movement". Cindy and Lola meet these criteria in spades. We just love these 2 girls so much! You can look for their sire at Westminster next month! Here is a recent win photo of him winning Best of Breed and a couple of cameo shots getting ready for the show.
When you are reading the ingredients listing in your dog's food -- make sure to avoid sugars.
Sugars can be listed in the ingredients as corn syrup, sucrose, glycerine, caramel, dextrose, fructose, glucose, beet pulp, maltodextrin and molasses. Dogs simply don't need any of these added sugars in their diet. A high sugar diet can contribute to dog ear infections, as sugar feeds the yeast naturally present in a dog's body, leading to potential overgrowth and infection within the ear canal, particularly if the dog has a pre-existing sensitivity to certain foods or allergies. Key points about sugar and dog ear infections:
Read more here. FYI: One reason we feed PawTree is because there are no added sugars. No corn, soy, wheat, added preservatives. It was designed by vets and nutritionists specifically for dogs with allergies. With limited ingredients (choose duck, OR chicken, OR beeef, OR trout etc. etc.) the food is made in small batches and is always fresh. There have never been any recalls! |
AuthorAmy - Concert pianist, composer, lecturer, teacher, adjudicator, pug lover, dog trainer, soap and candle maker, PawTree Pet Pro, and co-owner Pickwick Pugs along with her husband, Dr. Jeff McLelland who is a concert organist, music director. Archives
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